Jan. 2013
Interview with the manager of MS Association Pedro Carrascal

Interview with the manager of MS Association Pedro Carrascal


Virtualware visited the EMLABS Centre, the first Virtual rehabilitation centre in Europe opened in March of 2012, in the Multiple Sclerosis Basque Foundation, and where we incorporated the first VirtualRehab installation.

We talked to Pedro Carrascal, manager of MS Association in Vizcaya (ADEMBI) and the Eugenia Epalza MS Foundation. He also forms part of the Executive Committee of the MS Europe Platform. Here is the interview.

Which was the reason for implementing this product and which objectives did you want to reach?

Technology should be at the service of people, particularly those suffering from MS, and we, as an organization, have to meet their needs and try to improve their quality of life. Virtual rehabilitation using the Microsoft Kinect was the missing piece in order to achieve that, so collaborating in its creation was an opportunity to take a lead in this sector.

We showed that the objectives we try to reach with the traditional rehabilitation are also achieved when using virtual reality, as well as improving the adherence to the treatment and motivation of the patients.

What has the arrival of this type product meant to your centre?

Collaborating in its design and production introduced us to the use of new technologies in a more eye-opening way than before, and at the same time as presenting VirtualRehab we opened the first physical space dedicated to these kinds of solutions: EMLabs virtual games, which has been a world pioneer.

Do you know of anything with this level of innovation in another centre of reference in the world?

Honestly I donĀ“t, not something which is at the direct service of people with MS and in such an accessible way. This cutting-edge technology at the service of everyone has also been part of VirtualRehabs success, and the reason behind its acceptance by so many people.

Which do you think is the Return on Investment (at a qualitative level) of using VirtualRehab at ADEMBI?

For us, investing in this project has been very productive, not only because our rehabilitation users have benefitted from this system since the first day, but also because it allowed us to keep on investing in technology, and this has become an important resource available to everyone.

MS Foundation


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